about me
You may be surprised to find out that this queer kid grew up in the tiny town of Watkinsville, Georgia. (Note: a southern twang is unavoidable when pronouncing Watkinsville.) If you've ever been to the *slightly* larger town of Athens, GA, you have more than likely driven through Watkinsville.
At 18, Kalyn moved a hop skip and a jump away from home to Athens where they attended the University of Georgia. There, they studied creative writing and dance while avoiding crowded home games at all costs. Excited and hungry to learn more about the commercial dance world, Kalyn soon moved to Atlanta where they found their creative home.
Once in Atlanta, Kalyn dove head first into the entertainment industry as a scholarship student at Gotta Dance Atlanta and quickly began booking TV and film roles as a dancer. Fast forward a few successful years and you'll see the gears moving in Kalyn's head to begin pursuing another career: acting. A story-teller at heart, Kalyn was pulled to use their voice to grow the representation of queer folk in television and film. Through Meisner technique, Kalyn developed a greater sense of self while cultivating skills that would serve their artistry for years to come.
Today, they live in Decatur, GA with their two cats Katze and Chou Chou.
Favorites album
Now that the bio is out of the way, let's get to the fun stuff.
These are a few of my favorite things.
(if you didn't sing that, we can't be friends).
When not performing, I love indulging in:
-weighted blankets (get one. seriously)
-vegan food
-threatening the lives of indoor plants
-SSRIs and therapy (everyone needs the latter)
-Katze and Chou Chou, the cutest cats on the planet